OneBlip upgrades its iOS and Android appsaccess_timeJanuary 14, 2019folder_openProductsOneBlip releases new versions of its iOS and Android apps with a completely new modern…
OneBlip switches to Stripe payment gatewayaccess_timeNovember 15, 2018folder_openProductsOneBlip switches to Stripe payment gateway in order to accept credit card payments. Stripe is…
OneBlip launches a new platform in Germanyaccess_timeJuly 15, 2018folder_openProjectsOneBlip launches a new platform near Frankfurt in partnership with eDrive-Pixel.
New keyless door lock for room rentalaccess_timeFebruary 15, 2018folder_openProducts©DukeDoor is a OneBlip proprietary technology designed for office sharing or room rental applications. Borrowers…
New keyless padlock for bike rentalaccess_timeDecember 15, 2017folder_openProducts©DukeBike is a OneBlip proprietary technology designed for bike sharing applications. Borrowers can lock/unlock ©DukeBike…
OneBlip migrates its backend software on AWS cloudaccess_timeSeptember 7, 2017folder_openProductsBy taking advantage of Amazon’s massive infrastructure and using AWS auto scaling and elastic load…